Dekwon Brown Moving Back To 2024 Class

It has been a hectic several months for Dekwon Brown. The school year started with a transfer to Simeon in Chicago, but he was later ruled ineligible. Following that announcement was a move out west to Skyline Prep in Arizona in addition to reclassifying from the 2024 class into the 2025 one. 

The most recent news from Brown came on Tuesday when he announced he was making a move back into the 2024 class. “So I can move forward on the next level of my basketball life,” he said about his decision. “I want to go to college. I believe I can help a division one team. My grades are good. I’m very confident I can help a school on the next level.”

To date, Brown has a trio of division one offers for himself consisting of High Point, Radford, and Robert Morris. As well to those he said that Longwood University is showing the most interest in him. In addition to Eastern Michigan, Evansville, Northern Colorado, SIUE, Stetson, and UW-Milwaukee who are all recruiting him. 

When asked about a commitment timeline, Brown said “I would like to commit sometime in the summer or sooner if the right school comes.”

In his lone season at Skyline Prep, the point guard averaged 17.5 points, 7.7 rebounds, and 4.3 assists. Now looking ahead to the spring, he will once again be suiting up for DB Pros. With them last year, he was one of the top guards on the NY2LA Association.