The newest player of the 2025 class from Indiana to land himself a division one scholarship offer is Mason Carpenter. The 6’2” guard of Richmond High School and the George Hill All Indy program was offered by IUPUI last week. 

“It felt amazing that my hard work and dedication over the years has led me to this point. Not too many people get this opportunity. I’m ready to elevate my game and keep grinding,” Carpenter said about landing his first offer. 

While it is still early in his recruitment process, Carpenter will be taking a visit to the Indianapolis school in the fall. He is looking forward to “seeing what IUPUI is about.” When talking about the level of his recruitment, he said “I hope I’m on other people’s radar now sine receiving my first offer, but I’m just getting started. I’m excited to see what my journey is about to look like.” 

Carpenter was one of a few talented 2025 guards of the George Hill All Indy program who played up on the 16U team this past season alongside Azavier Robinson and Lebron Gough. When talking about the season, Carpenter said “We had a great season with some tough wins and losses, but we worked together and finished strong. We played some tough competition which only makes us better.” 

“I describe my game as passionate, confident, and coachable. Without those three things I don’t know what position I’d be in right now,” Carpenter said to when talking about his style of play on the court.

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